Monday 18 January 2010

Idea for Project 003

This sketch is trying to communicate the complex idea of the body interlinking with its outside and inside (understanding these concepts as I explained in ‘Notes for Project 003’) and its relation to other bodies. It represents bodies within a membrane that covers the body externally and internally; each surface of this membrane gets infected and receives impulses from both, the outside and the inside; one affects the other. This project proposes an exploration of the outside and the inside by travelling through the bodies using the membrane as the element that links them together and by building up a chain of subjects. In the sketch there are some particles that escape from the inside to the outside or the other way around. It could happen that the membranes gradually blur as we move forward through the chain.

Notes for Project 003_What I am interested in

How do we interpret the space of the subject? We could define the body (subject) as a boundary between an outside (space) and an inside (space); for now I would refer to the outside as real space and the inside as imaginary space, although this may change. How the subject, the outside and the inside interlink? What happens when the boundary merges, blurs, multiplies? What if the subject fuses with the space? Within the social field subjects relate to each other; different subjectivities have different spaces; if we can say that subjects share an outside space, is there an inside space a group of subjects can share as well?
My intention is not to propose an enclosed model, but a framework for the space of the subject or group of subjects, and to represent this.
When I mention the space of the subject here I don’t refer particularly to the space that has to do with sorts of behaviours socially and culturally formed; I refer to the spaces that we perceive, read, explore, experience, practice, represent, draw, imagine: particularly the architectural space and imaginary space in a socio-cultural context; “…evidence of its [space] existence stares us in the face: our senses and our thoughts apprehend nothing else. “ (Henri Lefebvre, The Production of Space: 12)

Friday 15 January 2010

John Cage's HPSCHD at Macba

This video was recorded in the John Cage's exhibition at Macba. It is one of the installations featured in the exhibition; HPSCHD. I have posted it as a reminder of the pleasure experienced in that room.

"HPSCHD, a collaboration between John Cage and Lejaren Hiller, first performed on May 16, 1969 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, called for 7 harpsichords playing randomly-processed music by Mozart and other composers, 51 tapes of computer-generated sounds, approximately 5,000 slides of abstract designs and space exploration, and several films, all of which were performed or presented simultaneously in an asynchronous and exuberant anarchy of activity."