Wednesday 7 April 2010

Project 003_suite number one

This film project is part of the work build up during the second term of the course, which will be developed during the next term.
Tactics, methodologies, used in film and theatre have informed me to start the development of new tactics in architecture, and also to create a dialog between the three disciplines in order to propose a system of potential outcomes.
The project explores tactics found in theatre through the use of the moving image; the intention is to go beyond the limitations of the physical theatre space, creating a virtual space framed by a system.
The search is directed towards the construction of meaning through architecture possibilities, using tactics like montage, and the relationship between self and other, presence and absence, movement and gesture, and looking at how this representations operate together within a film.
As a starting point for the analysis and mapping of scenes I decided to take the Ciné- Novel Last Year in Marienbad by Alain Robbe-Grillet (which it was written as a script, describing the film shot by shot) and the consequent film of the same title by Alain Resnais.
The camera acts as a driver not only to explore the apparent inaccessible architectural space but also to augment the space (travelling from scene to scene). The camera is the spectator in the film (which is the main character) and explores and reveals the spaces that wouldn’t be shown to the external audience from the ‘stage’ space only (where the performers act); it is not used as a recording device only. The audience perceives the (cinematic) space through the spectator in the film, which perceives this (performance) space at the same time. A relationship between audience, spectator (camera) and performer in the space represented is established. (00:01:13; low resolution)

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